Company definition
Mahimeta is an advertising company whose ads are hosted by AdSense, and the company works to increase the profits of Google Adsense users by moving from Adsense to Mahimeta.
Mahimeta overview
Please be informed, all the statistics that will be displayed throughout this article are real statistics and through our experience with the company
First, if you are an AdSense user, I advise you not to move to Mahimeta. Reasons: First, mahimeta has a very bad profit compared to BadSense. You can profit from Adsense per 1,000 impressions on a belief from $ 5 to $ 10, but Mahimeta will pay you per 1,000 impressions from 0.10 to 0.50 cents. Only the profits differ depending on the country from which the visitors come
More than 600,000 impressions were brought to my site, and nearly $ 52 was won, so we do not recommend dealing with the company
If the source of your visitors is from America or foreign countries, you can contact the support to set a price
What is the advice of our site
You can use this partner only if your site displays movies or content that is not compatible with Adsense, and if you want to move to a better partner, you can move to ezoic or rwadx through our experience, these two companies make their profits like Adsense or better