Ahead of the launch of the Realme GT2 range, the company released another teaser for the upcoming smartphones. In its latest promotional move, Realme showcased hardware thermal systems that are supposed to help maintain the temperature of the devices’ internal equipment.
This poster was posted on the company’s official Weibo account, highlighting the new Diamond Ice Core Cooling System Plus. It’s worth noting that we’ve seen a version of this technology used in the past with the GT Neo2.
Moreover, the company has also added that the smartphone features a VC liquid cooling system as well to help keep temperatures low even during intense tasks like gaming. Realme says its VC liquid cooling pad covers an area of 4,129 mm², while its Diamond Ice Core PLs cooling system has a cooling area of 36,761 mm².
The GT2 range is scheduled to be revealed on January 4th, 2022, so stay tuned for that!