Today, WhatsApp announced plans to improve the voice messaging experience on the app while adding several great features.
These new features include the ability to listen to voice messages outside of conversation so you can multitask or read and respond to other messages.
Recording can also be paused, so when you record an audio message you’ll be able to pause and resume the recording when you’re ready, in case you get interrupted or need to collect your thoughts.
There will also be a visual representation of the voice over the voice message to help follow the recording, as well as the ability to listen to your voice messages before you send them.
And if you pause when listening to a voice message, you can pick up where you left off when you return to the conversation.
Moreover, you will be able to play voice messages at 1.5x or 2x speed to hear messages faster even on forwarded messages.
Although these new features may not be available to everyone right away, the app has announced that they will be rolling out to users in the coming weeks.