Mediatek recently announced its new Dimensity 9000 processor chips, and the latest reports confirmed that this version comes with a competitive performance for the upcoming Qualcomm processor and comes at a low cost.
Manufacturers of processor chips are competing to launch new versions with the best performance in the market, and Mediatek has already presented its new version, Dimensity 9000, while Qualcomm is preparing to reveal its new version within days.
A report came via Digital Chat Station on the Weibo platform, that the Dimensity 9000 chip comes at a double price of the Dimensity 1200 chip that targeted the middle versions of the OnePlus Nord 2 and Realme X7 Max phones, so Dimensity 9000 may not support the medium versions of smartphones next year.
Also, despite the high level of pricing of the Dimensity 9000 chip, it is characterized by a lower cost than the upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, which was confirmed by the “Digital Chat Station” report.
It is noteworthy that the report also confirmed the development of Mediatek for the Dimensity 7000 processor, which includes Cortex-A78 cores, and is characterized by a manufacturing accuracy of 5 nanometers.