The latest reports confirmed that Apple will not support the company’s devices or iPhone 14 phones in 2022 with the distinctive chipsets with a manufacturing accuracy of 3 nanometers.
Apple annually presents the new generation of the company’s devices with an upgrade in the processors, but unlike previous reports that indicated that Apple supports next year’s releases with distinct chipsets with a manufacturing accuracy of 3 nm, the latest reports confirm that Apple continues to use the distinguished chips with a 4 precision manufacturing process. nanometers in 2022.
The reason for the delay in the arrival of the 3 nm chips for Apple devices next year is due to some difficulties facing TSMC in producing the chips, as a result of some obstacles in the company’s production in India.
Some sources familiar with TSMC’s plans from the company’s engineers have indicated that the distinctive chipsets with a 3 nm manufacturing accuracy will not be available for iPhone 14 phones in 2022.
On the other hand, the report confirms that, despite the delay of TSMC in the production of distinctive chips with a manufacturing accuracy of 3 nm, it will be the first manufacturers of chips in the market.