A new patent has been published by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) and filed by Apple in August 2020. This patent comes for a computer equipped with a keyboard, where the user would have to connect the keyboard to a screen to have a full computer.
As stated, the user will not even need a mouse, as the keyboard includes a touchpad to reduce what the user needs to carry with him along with the panel called the Magic Keyboard.
This keyboard may come with HDMI or USB-C ports to connect to any screen, and it may also include a wireless connection to an iPad or Apple TV.
The idea of putting a computer inside a keyboard is not new, as it was present before with devices such as the Commodore 64, as well as the Raspberry Pi 400. But, of course, it is different when it comes to a company such as Apple, given that its technical capabilities and capabilities help to launch a reliable product .
Anyway, this is still just a patent and we don’t know if Apple will revive it or not.