Dyson announced in the Indian market the V12 Detect Slim vacuum cleaner, which features laser technology and supports a charging life of up to 60 minutes, and starts at a price of $ 788.
The Dyson V12 Detect Slim Vacuum Cleaner was launched to join the V12 series, which is available in the Indian market, and it comes with an LCD screen and works on detecting the location of dust with specific details, and it comes with one button to operate.
The vacuum cleaner features a capacity of 150AW for deep cleaning for a period of up to 60 minutes, with a laser that supports scanning and showing dust on surfaces, and it also features a speed of up to 15,000 times per second.
Dyson also emphasizes the ability of the vacuum cleaner to clean different surfaces efficiently, and it also comes with 5 levels of filtration to enhance the efficiency of the vacuum’s performance.